"Most Snakes Aren't Dangerous"
I have such wonderful childhood memories of being there. We would have a big Fourth of July. We would have people in, and we swam and enjoyed the water and never worried about snakes. You know, we just, we would hear terrible stories about people [water] skiing and skiing into a snake.
But we — Daddy had taught us that most snakes aren’t dangerous and you need to learn which ones are and which ones aren't and make some noise because the vibration will scare most of them away. I think there are a couple exceptions but… At one point we had a pier going way out. And then we had a boat house and Dad and Mother and the two of us would go swimming every weekend. Well Mother didn't go because she didn't really know how to swim, but she went out.
This is one of the terrible stories of my childhood. Mother would take a bath and get all ready to go back to Birmingham and she would look nice, put on makeup and have shoes and her clothes would be nice and Daddy said, “I want you to go out for a canoe ride with me.” Well, we knew this was a big mistake but we didn’t tell Mother. And he took her out for this canoe ride and guess what he did? He turned it over. And he always swore it was an accident. He never meant to do it, but Mother came out of the waters sputtering and saying "Donald, you’re mean as a snake! You are mean as a snake!” and we're up there like saying, “Yes, Daddy, you are."