
A Day at Lamplight

Note: This is the basic schedule that we kept last year on Fridays. In the future, campers and staff may decide to switch around pieces of the schedule to fit their needs.


9:00 - 9:30 AM

Arrival and Breakfast

9:30 - 10:00

Morning Circle

  • Check-In

  • Morning Games

  • Daily Overview

10:00 - 12:00

Project Time

In the morning, before it gets too hot, we work on different group projects together. A few projects we worked on in the last few years included:

  • Building benches around the fire pit

  • Painting a mural

  • Cleaning up the backyard

  • Painting wooden signs

  • Making raised garden beds

12:00 - 1:00


Every day, our amazing Chef Kieran provided us with a delicious lunch. Kieran made classics like Gumbo and Fried Chicken Liver but also introduced campers to new foods from all over the world.

1:00 - 1:30

Clean Up Time!

Campers developed a system for clean up where we all split into different squads and cleaned different parts of the Commons.

1:30 - 3:00

Seminar in the Sunroom

During Seminar, we played theater games, wrote stories, and discussed important issues in Marshall County.

Students surveyed community members, visited the Guntersville Museum to learn about local history, and designed skits to help pick apart problems in their schools like bullying.

3:00 - 4:30

Committee Work Time

After seminar, different committees met to take care of their responsibilities. The following committees met daily:

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  • Labor Committee

    • Managed projects like the trail and the backyard

  • Bunker Time

    • Planned and facilitated evening meetings

  • Clout Crew

    • Managed our social media pages, took photographs, and wrote updates for our online followers

4:30 - 5:30

Down Time

During down time, campers get to work on their own projects, play games, or just hang out. Last summer, campers decided to organize air hockey tournaments, play basketball, take naps, play board games, hang out on trees, and more. Some even tried to make a cooking show about Chef Kieran, which is still in the works and may be released at some point this year.


5:30 - 6:00


Before dinner, the whole group gathered to listen to a staff member and a camper give 15 minute talks about their lives. Over the three weeks of Lamplight, each community member shared five pictures with the group that were special to them, telling a story about each picture.

6:00 - 7:00

Dinner and Clean Up

7:00 - 8:30

Bunker Time

Every day after dinner, the Bunker Time committee planned an evening’s worth of reflections and celebration. On Fridays, we made a campfire and watched the sunset.
